Your Voice Is Magick mystery school is a 13-week online container for conscious female singer/song writers & sound priestesses who are ready to cultivate their craft and grow their music.

Sister, do you have an important message to share with the world but often question where to begin? 

Are you ready to get serious about growing your music and establishing yourself as an artist? 

Would you like to make a consistent monthly income by sharing your musical gifts with the world? 

Are you ready to tackle the music industry in a fun, simple, and honoring of your divine feminine rhythms and cycles kinda way? 

Do you have a desire to be held accountable for your dreams within a container of supportive women? 

If you answered ‘YES’ to one or more of the following questions, you’re in the right place. 


    𓂀 Embodiment Practices 

    𓂀 Vocal Exercises & Warmups 

    𓂀 Song & Songwriting Practices 

    𓂀 Ritual, Prayer, & Ceremony 

    𓂀 Invoking The Muse, Alter Creation, & Intention Setting

    𓂀 Vision Mapping 

    𓂀 The Wounded Maiden Archetype; How To Recognize Her Triggers/Support Her Healing 

    𓂀 Shadow Work; The Pathway To Reclaiming Your Inner Magick/Artistic Expression 

    𓂀 Song Shares & Song Prompts 

    𓂀 Weekly Action Steps To Support Your Artistic Growth & Empowerment (+ A Downloadable Habit Tracker)

    𓂀 & MORE!


    𓋹 Embodiment Practices 

    𓋹 Vocal Exercises & Warmups 

    𓋹 Song & Songwriting Practices 

    𓋹 Ritual, Prayer, & Ceremony 

    𓋹 Creative Channeling & Casting Spells With Your Songs 

    𓋹 The Divine Mother Archetype; Entering Into The Summer Of Your Life & Becoming The Embodied Creatrix 

    𓋹 Working With Correspondences, Shaping Personal Identity, & Amplifying Your Personal Brand 

    𓋹 Music Production & Collaboration

    𓋹 Song Shares & Song Prompts 

    𓋹 Weekly Action Steps To Support Your Artistic Growth & Empowerment (+ A Downloadable Habit Tracker)

    𓋹 & MORE!


    𓆃 Embodiment Practices 

    𓆃 Vocal Exercises & Warmups 

    𓆃 Song & Songwriting Practices 

    𓆃 Ritual, Prayer, & Ceremony

    𓆃 The Crone Archetype & Sharing Your Wisdom With The World 

    𓆃 Manifestation tools & Practices

    𓆃 Releasing Your Music & Music Distribution 

    𓆃 Branding & Anchoring Your Artist Archetype 

    𓆃 Making Money As An Artist, Promotion, Social Media & Performing

    𓆃 Song Shares & Song Prompts 

    𓆃 Weekly Action Steps To Support Your Artistic Growth & Empowerment (+ A Downloadable Habit Tracker)

    𓆃 & MORE!

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Temple gates are now open for enrollment

Cohort begins on September 17th, 2024

Tuition (early bird): $2500

Tuition (after August 20th): $3000

payment plan options (early bird pricing):

3x monthly payments of $850

6x monthly payments of $433

12x monthly payments of $225


      What Your Tuition Includes:

      • Live Mystery School

        3 months/13 weeks of live online classes via Zoom with Katarina Rain + weekly downloadable content.

      • Community Platform

        You will gain access to our online community platform via Mighty Networks.

      • telegram group

        A place where you can share your creative musings and connect/network with other Mystery School students.

      • Mystery School Recordings

        A recording of each class will be uploaded via our community platform within 48 hours of each session, in case you can't make it live.

      • Mystery School Certificate

        Upon completion of Your Voice Is Magick Mystery School, you will receive a certificate of completion that you can add to your credentials. 

      • Pilgrimage Early access

        As a mystery school student, you will gain early access to book the 2025 Your Voice Is Magick Egypt Pilgrimage ahead of the public (only 10 spots available). 

      • vocal exercises (bonus #1)

        You will receive 4 vocal warmups/exercises from my LA trained vocal coach, Preeta Carlson, that you can download and begin incorporating into your vocal practice right away.

      • Muse Store products (bonus #2)

        You will receive all of the items in the Muse Store for FREE to support you in creating your Mystery School altar ($74 value).

      • Book recommendations (bonus #3)

        You will receive a list of my favorite books on divine feminine wisdom, creativity, finance, and personal development. Dive in right away.

      yvim mystery school is for you if have a desire to...

      ✓ Explore feminine her-story as a way to reclaim your connection to your intuition and inner-wisdom.

      ✓ Explore feminine archetypes and connect to your inner-magick & the ancient feminine mysteries.

      ✓ Heal shadows that may be blocking you from embodying your artistic expression at the highest levels. 

      ✓ Gain crystal clarity on the art you’re here to share with the world. 

      ✓ Surround yourself with a likeminded community of sisters and be held accountable for your creative dreams and visions.

      ✓ Explore your connection to your voice and creative channel.

      ✓ Deepen your knowledge of music, songwriting, spell crafting, and vocal alchemy.

      ✓ Write new songs, receive feedback on your songs/ creative musings, and refine your songwriting skills. 

      ✓ gain confidence in your voice and artistic expression.

      ✓ Receive a step by step process for birthing your songs and creative visions into the world.

      ✓ market yourself and get your songs heard.

      ✓ empower yourself with the knowledge, tools, and support to up level your artistic expression.

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      Katarina Rain is a Singer/Songwriter, Sound Priestess, and Ceremonialist casting spells of love, healing, and remembrance in the hearts of listeners across the world. Katarina has generated millions of streams and over 30,000 monthly listeners on Spotify since she started releasing music in 2021. Katarina channels the majority of her music while camping in isolation at powerful energy centers within the heart of nature. Katarina has devoted her life to unlocking the magick of her voice, and creative channel, and to being a guide for others to do the same. Katarina has studied with renowned musical teachers and artists such as Ruby Chase, Marya Stark, Bettina Maureenji, Shaylah Ray Sunshine, Marla Leigh and more! Alongside her devotion to her musical path, Katarina has a 10+ year background in branding, marketing, and social media strategy which she utilizes to implement intentional, simple, and effective systems and structures to support artistic growth and development. 


      I recently had the pleasure of working with Katarina Rain, and her support has given me to the tools I need to take the next steps as a musician. As a musician and teacher who supports artists in recording and releasing their music, Katarina helped me create clarity on how to approach the recording of my songs and advised me on a comprehensive plan for the release and marketing of my music. This included budgeting, timing of song release, monetizing my music, and advice on creating video content. She also educated me on distribution options, maximizing the Spotify algorithm, and collaborating with playlist curators to get my music heard and expand my audience. She helped me identify which songs to focus on, and consulted on collaboration and production options. I now feel confident to invest my time and energy in my artistry with a clear vision and way forward. Katarina was extremely professional, encouraging of my work, and gave me the assurance I needed to record and release my songs. She is experienced and knowledgeable, having created her own success through these specific methods, and is now supporting other artists, especially women, to do the same. Through her support, she is opening the door for more musicians to share conscious music that opens hearts and supports our evolution as a collective through song and prayer. If you want to get your music out there and need an ally along the way, I encourage you to join her online school or work with her directly to set and achieve your musical goals. - Jennifer Ruth (Musician, Songwriter, & Voice Coach)

      I had the opportunity to work with Katarina recently and I’m so grateful I jumped on it. Katarina creates a container that is soft yet fierce, nonjudgmental yet forthright, and chalk-full of heart. Within every container I’ve worked with her, I have felt her passion for music as medicine and it stokes the fire of my own belief that we are all creatives at heart with medicine to offer. She has shown up at a time when I truly needed a fellow artist who could help guide me to take the steps needed in order to move through any self-sabotage parts and step into my power as an artist and healer. Empowerment, Compassion, Spaciousness, Inspiring, and Bright are all words that come to mind when I think of my experiences working with Katarina. I would work with her again and again, that’s how safe I feel as an artist with her guidance. She has a wealth of knowledge and her gifts keep on giving. I highly recommend working with Katarina in any capacity. Both her artist development and healer skills are top notch. I am so grateful that she exists on this planet and has made the courageous choice to use her authentic voice and share her gifts with the world. - Annie Elie (Singer-Songwriter, Multi-Instrumentalist, Yoga + Movement Teacher) 

      Katarina is wise beyond her years, grounded in truth, willing to connect and be without judgement. She is a gift to Mother Earth and to all who feel her energy.” - Julie 

      Thank you, Katarina for seeing me, hearing me, and loving me. You openly recognize the light in me, allowing me to see that my desires and dreams are possible with intention and care. Your supportive guidance allows me to trust myself. Your radiance shines so bright and you heal with pure love.” - Erin

      Katarina’s calm, non-judgmental demeanor puts you at ease. She can help you to get to the heart of any matter energetically. If you are looking to slight whatever may feel at an imbalance energetically, physiologically, emotionally, and spiritually, Katarina is the one to see.” - Lanae 

      Sweet sister! Thank you for holding such a crystalline container. Thank you for your medicine. Your sweet & loving presence is so deeply felt through your presence and song.” - Marissa 

      I am so so grateful that a strong, melodious, and mystical woman like Katarina came into my life.” - Grace 


      What if i am interested in the pathway of sacred sound but have no prior experience?

      All levels of experience are welcome whether you're just starting out on the pathway of sacred sound and music or are a seasoned professional looking to grow your brand.

      How long will I have access to the mystery school material?

      You will have lifetime access to the Mystery School materials, with ample notice should we make any changes.

      What if i can't make it live?

      Live sessions will typically be Tuesdays at 3pm HST/6pm PST/9pm EST, unless otherwise stated for special occasions. Session recordings will be available within 48 hours of live calls in the Mighty Networks student portal.

      Do you offer scholarships?

      If you have a strong calling to join Your Voice Is Magick Mystery School but do not have the financial means, we encourage you to still apply. Share your situation with us to see how we can best support you.

      Do you offer refunds for the mystery school?

      Because of the nature of this course, material, and the container, all sales are final, and there are no refunds.


      Sign up for a free Mystery School information call and get your questions answered.