Reclaim the magick of your voice and creative expression on an initiatory pilgrimage through Egypt—the throat chakra of Mother Earth. 

Sail the Nile River and experience the enchanting lands, temples, tombs, and pyramids of ancient Khem.

Awaken your inner priestess and oracular gifts as you receive activations from Goddess Isis, Hathor, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Sekhmet. 

Come home to the remembrance of your innermost essence, activate your light body, and align with your divine purpose

Pilgrimage overview

9 day priestess pilgrimage

9 sacred sites with three private visits

Dates: Coming soon

Tuition (shared accommodation): coming soon

Tuition (single accommodation): coming soon

(payment plans available)


    We will begin our journey in Cairo, visiting the activating ancient sites of the Giza Pyramids and Sphinx. A Goddess photoshoot at the pyramids will be included. Each woman will have the opportunity to capture professional photographs of herself to use as she pleases.


    The next leg of our journey will begin in Luxor, where we will visit high-vibrational temple sites dedicated to Isis, Sekhmet, Hathor, Hatshepsut, and more, shop and experience local Egyptian culture and cuisine, and explore our voices in a sacred temple sound ceremony.


    Our time together will conclude in Aswan, where we will be visiting Isis’ ancient temple site and the temple of Isis at Philae. This will be a great time to swim, integrate, and soak up the codes of all you've received. Surrounded by nature, pristine waters, and magick, Aswan will hold loving space for your greatest expansion. 

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Is your life calling for more magick, mystery, and adventure

more clarity, direction, and purpose

more joy, connection, and expansion

more creativity and self-expression

If so, Get ready for the rebirth of a lifetime. 

Nowadays many souls struggle to see beyond their overwhelming amount of responsibilities—I know I've been there. Over the years, we become weighed down by stress and start to live in survival mode.

We began this life with a lot of enthusiasm and drive but somewhere along the way, we experienced heartbreak. We experienced trauma. We experienced failure. We forgot how to play, laugh, sing, and dance. We pushed our true heart's desires to the side to gather dust in the corners of our lives.

This journey to Egypt is a reawakening of your innermost essence, joy and creativity. A return to lightness, play, and heart-centered connection. A reclamation of your voice and authentic soul gifts.

When we strip away the things that weigh us down, we become like children again—gaining remittance to the Kingdom of heaven within our hearts

If the pursuit of your goals and dreams has become a means to an end, devoid of joy, this may be the perfect opportunity for you to go on a pilgrimage and reignite your creative spark.

Egypt stripped me bare of everything I thought I was/knew and as a result, I reclaimed my peace, power, creativity, direction, and joy. While in Egypt I made a decision that I was going to experience life from a place of joy rather than from a place of suffering. 

You’re one decision away from taking a quantum leap in your life. I truly hope you will join us in Egypt if your heart is calling you...

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    Packing list, traveling/jet lag tips, and everything else you need to prepare. 


    Song & prayer circles, vocal activations, and meditations will be offered regularly.


    Vocal, songwriting, and creativity workshops to support you in cultivating your magick, art, and unique expression. 


    Goddess photoshoot in front of the Giza Pyramids. Each woman will have the opportunity to capture professional photographs of herself.


    We will tend to our human temples throughout our pilgrimage by staying in beautiful and luxurious accommodations.


    Your breakfast & dinner will be provided. Organic, healthy, and delicious meals offering the best in authentic Egyptian cuisine. (v, veg, and GF options available). 


    We will have a local Egyptologist guiding us during many of our temple visits.

  • Meet & Assist Services

    Meet and assist services in Cairo and Aswan for both domestic and international arrivals and departures.


    Internal transportation during the pilgrimage.

  • FEES

    Temple Entrance fees & Private Access Fees

  • Integration

    Integration calls after the pilgrimage.


Day 1: arrival in Cairo

Arrive in Cairo, and get settled into the hotel. 

Meet and assist services will be provided for both domestic and international arrivals.


The Great Sphinx of Giza is a limestone statue of a reclining sphinx, a mythical creature with the head of a human and the body of a lion. Facing directly from west to east, it stands on the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the Nile in Giza, Egypt.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid. It served as the tomb of pharaoh Khufu, who ruled during the Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom.

We will have the opportunity to go inside the great pyramid.

Our day will conclude with a Goddess photoshoot in front of the pyramids. Each woman will have the opportunity to capture professional photographs of herself to use as she pleases.


Optional afternoon shopping will include a healing oils shop, a papyrus shop, and an Egyptian cotton clothing shop. 

DAY 4: Valley Of The Kings & The Temple of Hatshepsut

The Valley of the Kings is an area in Egypt where for a period of nearly 500 years from the Eighteenth Dynasty to the Twentieth Dynasty, rock-cut tombs were excavated for pharaohs and powerful nobles under the New Kingdom of ancient Egypt. 

Hatshepsut was the female king of Egypt (reigned as coregent c. 1479–73 bce and in her own right c. 1473–58 bce) who attained unprecedented power for a woman, adopting the full titles and regalia of a pharaoh. Hatshepsut was one of only a few female pharaohs in thousands of years of ancient Egyptian history. The temple of Hatshepsut is a mortuary temple built during the reign of Pharaoh Hatshepsut of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. Located opposite the city of Luxor, it is considered to be a masterpiece of ancient architecture. 


The Karnak Temple Complex, commonly known as Karnak, comprises a vast mix of temples, pylons, chapels, and other buildings near Luxor, Egypt. The complex is a vast open site and includes the Karnak Open Air Museum. It is believed to be the second most visited historical site in Egypt; only the Giza pyramid complex near Cairo receives more visits. 

We will have private access to the Sanctuary of Sekhmet (in Karnak temple), the most sacred place within the temple complex. 

Deir el-Shelwit is an ancient Egyptian temple to Isis from the Greco-Roman period. It stands on the West bank of the Nile at Luxor.

We will have private access to the Isis temple at Deir El-Shelwit. 


The Dendera Temple complex is located about 2.5 kilometers southeast of Dendera, Egypt. It is one of the best-preserved temple complexes of ancient Egypt. The main Temple is dedicated to the goddess Hathor, who is associated with love, beauty, and music.


The Temple of Horus at Edfu is an Egyptian temple located on the west bank of the Nile in Edfu, Upper Egypt. This Ptolemaic temple, built between 237 and 57 BC, is one of the best-preserved ancient monuments in Egypt. Preserved by desert sand, which filled the place after the pagan cult was banned, the temple is dedicated to Horus, the avenging son of Isis and Osiris. Statues of the falcon-headed god are found throughout the complex, and its extensive wall carvings have provided valuable information to historians about the Hellenistic period of Egyptian history: the exquisite reliefs give us insight into the religion, mythology, and way of life during the era. 

Horus, also known as Heru, Har, Her, or Hor, was an important ancient Egyptian god who served many functions.He was the god of the sky, sun, moon, weather, storms, health, healing, kingship, loyalty, war, and protection of mankind.


We will begin our day with a visit to the ancient temple site of Isis, where her temple originally stood. The Temple of Isis at Philae was moved to Agilkia Island in the 1960s to prevent it from being flooded by the rising waters of the Nile and Lake Nasser due to the construction of the Aswan High Dam.

Next, we will visit the magnificent Temple of Isis at Philae. The Philae Temple was built during the reign of Ptolemy II in the Greco-Roman period and is one of the last places where ancient Egyptian religion survived after Christianity became prevalent in 550 AD. The temple is a blend of architectural styles and artistic traditions, and its walls, ceilings, and columns are painted in vivid colors that have retained much of their original brilliance.

According to legend, Isis, the goddess of healing, birth, and magic, found her husband Osiris's heart on the island of Philae after his murder by his brother Seth. Isis buried the heart on a nearby island. The temple complex became a symbol of Osiris's resurrection and the triumph of life over death. The temple walls depict scenes from Egyptian mythology, including Isis bringing Osiris back to life, giving birth to Horus, and mummifying Osiris after his death. An annual festival called the Opet Festival was held to honor this myth, and attracted pilgrims from all over Egypt to celebrate and participate in rituals.


Meet and assist services will be provided for both domestic and international departures.


We will tend to our human temples throughout our pilgrimage by staying in beautiful and luxurious accommodations.

  • Marriot mena house, cairo

    Experience the wondrous beauty of the Pyramids from Marriott Mena House, Cairo. A frequent stop for dignitaries and celebrities, our 5 star hotel offers travelers a taste of modern luxury. Set at the base of the Pyramids, hotel guests can walk to one of Egypt's most popular attractions. Inside, relax in upscale hotel rooms with indulgent bedding, marble bathrooms and private balconies with fantastic views of the pool, gardens or the Pyramids. Take a dip in our outdoor pool, work out in the 24-hour gym, heal in our spa and indulge at our restaurants.


    Al Moudira is an oasis on the west bank of the Nile in Luxor, near the UNESCO World Heritage site of ancient Thebes and the Valley of the Kings. The hotel is a honeycomb of 10 courtyards, with the feel of a grand country house, embellished with materials rescued from vanishing historic buildings, and surrounded by ten hectares of palm groves and exotic gardens. The timeless inspiration of Zeina Aboukheir who created the hotel several decades ago, Al Moudira is proudly run by a local team whose charm, style and gentle efficiency have been consistently praised by guests who return year after year.


    BenBen Hotel is a dare-to-be different destination, conveniently nestled on the old Nubian Island of Heissa, overlooking the serene city of Aswan and prioritizing the natural environment by applying best ecological practices. This Hotel, as an idea, was built with a passion for its beautiful location, the peace that exists here, and to offer something unique. The exceptional Nubian-style architecture and the majestic panoramic natural surroundings make this eco-friendly Hotel the absolute recharging hideaway to discover your most refreshed self.

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Katarina began to feel the soul call to Egypt after her Sitto’s (Arabic word for Grandmother) passing. Katarina’s Sitto had a deep connection to Egypt, traveling there yearly when Katarina was very young and bringing Katarina and her sister’s souvenirs from there. Katarina’s Sitto had left Katarina many things from Egypt following her passing. As Katarina began to touch and connect with these items, she began to feel a transformation happening within her and began to feel the call to Egypt. 

Katarina began researching everything she could about Egypt and began planning her trip there. Upon landing in Egypt for the first time, Katarina felt an overwhelming sense of homebeing half Middle Eastern and having been brought up in a lineage of Islamic Imams (religious leaders) on her father's side. Egypt is a Muslim country with a rich culture and spiritual history. To Katarina, Egypt became a bridge between her spiritual connection and the religion she was brought up with.

Through many auspicious and synchronistic occurrences in Egypt, the Goddess began to nudge Katarina in the direction of leading transformational pilgrimages there. Through her own experiences, Katarina knew how transformational, activating, impactful, and life-changing a pilgrimage to Egypt would be for other women. Thus, ‘Your Voice Is Magick’ was born. 

Katarina has been guiding spiritual excursions and experiences in Hawaii since 2018—receiving 150+ 5-star reviews from her clients over the years via Airbnb Experiences. One of Katarina’s highest joys is creating safe and magickal containers for others to connect to themselves, others, and nature in a heart-centered, embodied, and deeply transformational way. Katarina has unknowingly been preparing to guide pilgrimages to Egypt for the past eight years through her experience as a guide to hundreds of visitors in Hawaii. 

Katarina Rain is a Singer/Songwriter and Sound Priestess casting spells of love, healing, and remembrance in the hearts of listeners across the world. Katarina has generated millions of streams and over 30,000 monthly listeners on Spotify since she started releasing music in 2021. Katarina channels the majority of her music while camping in isolation at powerful energy centers within the heart of nature. Katarina has devoted her life to unlocking the magick of her voice, and creative channel, and to being a guide for others to do the same. Katarina has studied with renowned musical teachers and artists such as Ruby Chase, Marya Stark, Bettina Maureenji, Shaylah Ray Sunshine, Marla Leigh and more!

Katarina is wise beyond her years, grounded in truth, willing to connect and be without judgment. She is a gift to Mother Earth and to all who feel her energy.” - Julie 

Thank you, Katarina for seeing me, hearing me, and loving me. You openly recognize the light in me, allowing me to see that my desires and dreams are possible with intention and care. Your supportive guidance allows me to trust myself. Your radiance shines so bright and you heal with pure love.” - Erin

Katarina’s calm, non-judgmental demeanor puts you at ease. She can help you to get to the heart of any matter energetically. If you are looking to heal whatever may feel at an imbalance energetically, physiologically, emotionally, and spiritually, Katarina is the one to see.” - Lanae 

Sweet sister! Thank you for holding such a crystalline container. Thank you for your medicine. Your sweet & loving presence is so deeply felt through your presence and song.” - Marissa 

I am so so grateful that a strong, melodious, and mystical woman like Katarina came into my life.” - Grace 


What are the dates?

Coming soon!

How much is the total investment?

Coming soon!

Do I need a visa to enter Egypt?

All participants are required to have a passport that is valid for 6 months beyond the return date, to be carried at all times. A Visa is required for entry into Egypt. You can bring $25 USD in cash and pick it up upon your arrival at the airport in Cairo.

Do I have to pay a deposit?

A non-refundable 25% deposit is required to book your spot.

We are looking forward to a committed group for this Initiation.

Does the ticket include international flights into Cairo?


When should I book my flight?

We recommend booking a flight in and out of Cairo international airport as soon as possible.

Is the deposit refundable?

No, due to the nature of the trip and bookings required, deposits are non refundable. We are looking forward to pilgrimaging with a committed group.


Sign up for a free information call to learn more about our upcoming Egypt pilgrimage.